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Hawaiian Islands Association for Marriage and Family Therapy

  • 1 Mar 2024 12:33 PM | Melissa Wilson (Administrator)

    Aloha fellow clinicians.  As of January 1, 2024 we were all opted into Medicare (unless you have opted out).  I had read that if we want in we must apply and if we want out we must opt out.  I like most of you probably said, cool I'm just going to do nothing.  Well that nothing turned into me opted-in. I just got off the phone with United Health Care trying to figure out why I was getting paid $37.50 less for the same client with the same CPT code as last year.  Turns out we were opted into Medicare and we need to opt out.  Of course they did not make it easy, so I'm going to make this as easy as possible for you guys.  I'm not recommending to OPT-OUT as a HIAMFT board member, so please don't take this as a HIAMFT position, just want to share information with you all.  I also want to note I am not a professional 'opt-outter'... so if you know something that I missed feel free to email me at and I will update this blog.

    Step 1: Go to this website, it will give you the overview of the process

    Step 2: Print out 'Medicare Opt-out Affidavit", fill out and sign.  The Date you sign is your Opt-out date.  I am dating mine 1/1/2024.  The date you sign must also be within  120 days of the date you are requesting to be opted out.

    Here is the form:

    Step 3: Hawaii is in Jurisdiction E of Medicare, you can mail or fax this document.  It was recommended to include a copy of your license.  Although a fax number is listed, I would mail this in, maybe even certified mail.

    Fax (701)277-7868


    Noridian JE Part B

    Attn: OPT OUT Medicare

    4510 13th Ave S

    Fargo, ND 58103

    Step 4:  When you have a client that has medicare you must give them this form.  If you get audited by Medicare you will need to provide this form.  

    This will automatically renew every two years and you will be notified if you want to opt back in in two years

    I'm not sure what will happen to our clients who are medicare/medicaid.  According to one site, if I opt out of  medicare, I will not get paid by medicaid.  I will update when I get an RTP in the mail as I have a few of these clients.

    Lastly here is another website I found with some helpful info

  • 28 Sep 2023 9:39 AM | Melissa Wilson (Administrator)

    Call for Participants Social Media Post


    My name is Akoni Kanaele and I am a clinical psychology doctoral candidate interested in the perception of the impact of imperialism and decolonialization on Kānaka well-being and identity. I want to invite you to participate in a study on Kānaka perceptions about these topics.

    The title of the study is A Qualitative Study On Kānaka Perceptions Of Imperialism On Their Well-being. I will serve as the principal investigator. In this study participants will be asked to participate in an in-person interview and will be asked about their perception of how imperialism has impacted their well-being and identity. Participants will also be asked about their perception of decolonization on their well-being. The interview should last approximately 45 minutes. Up to two hours per interview will be provided if needed. Your participation in this research is completely voluntary and can be withdrawn at any time during the study. When data from the study is used, no identifying information will be shared, and all information will be reported together. There are no known risks with this study. There are no direct benefits in participating in this study, however findings could provide personal insight as well as relevant information for educators, social service providers and civil services. If you are interested in participating, please review and complete the attached eligibility questioner. You will be contacted directly if you are selected to participate in this study.

    Eligibility form:

    Mahalo for your time and consideration.

    Aloha piha,

    Akoni Kanaele

  • 1 Aug 2023 3:35 PM | Melissa Wilson (Administrator)

    We are mandated reporters.  If you have any reason to believe that a child abuse or neglect has occurred, or that a child may be a victim of child abuse or neglect in the future, you must immediately report.  Any suspicion is enough, you do not need proof.

    Below is the link to Hawaii CJC.  Here you will find helpful information including signs of abuse or neglect, sex trafficking, and phone numbers.

    Below is the complete guide to reporting in the state of Hawaii

  • 28 May 2023 11:32 AM | Melissa Wilson (Administrator)

    Here is a complete description of board positions.  We are currently looking for two positions to fill: 

    1. Secretary (non-paid)

    2. Administration assistant (paid)

     3.  Maui Island Board Rep




    The HIAMFT Division Bylaws (Article V, Section 1) state the following regarding the Division Board of Directors:

    “The directors shall serve three (3) year terms, staggered so that two (2) directors shall be replaced each year. The Student-Associate Representative shall serve a two (2) year term.”

    The HAIMFT Division Bylaws (Article V, Section 2) state the following regarding the Division Board of Directors:

    “The Board shall exercise all powers of the Division, except as specifically prohibited by these bylaws and the HIAMFT Bylaws. The Board shall be authorized to adopt and publish such policies, procedures, and rules as may be necessary and consistent with these bylaws and HIAMFT bylaws, and to exercise authority over all Divisional business and funds.”

    Officers must reside in the state of Hawaii and be a HIAMFT clinical member in good standing.

    County Representative Board Members must reside on the island they represent and be a HIAMFT clinical member in good standing.

    Member-at-large Board Members must reside in the state of Hawaii and be a HIAMFT clinical member in good standing.

    Student/Associate Board Members must resident in the state of Hawaii and be a HIAMFT student or associate member in good standing.

    Board members shall perform the following duties and functions:

    Attend all annual and special meetings of the Division and all Board of Directors' meetings.

    Actively serve as a participant on a standing committee (e.g. finance, ethics, newsletter, elections,

    events, membership, fundraising, etc.)

    Maintain responsibility for developing policies and procedures for the association and for ensuring the fiscal health of the organization.

    Attend special events sponsored by HIAMFT.

    Support HIAMFT legislative issues, including submitting testimony in writing or in person, lobbying on behalf of the association, provide financial support to the PAC.

    Position Description for Division President 

    The HIAMFT Division Bylaws (Article IV, Section 2) state the following regarding the Division President: 

    "The President shall serve a term of two (2) years following a term of two (2) years as President-Elect. The President shall be the Chief Officer of the Division and of the Board and shall perform such duties as are customary for presiding officers, including making all required appointments with the approval of the Board. The President also shall serve as a member ex-official with right to vote on all committees except the Elections Committee."

    The President shall perform the following duties and functions:

    In the role of leader of the Division, the President:

    Serves as presiding officer at all meetings of the organization.

    Is responsible to the Division's Board of Directors and its members for seeing that the organization's programs and policies reflect the needs and aspirations of the membership.

    Provides leadership by assuming responsibility, delegating authority, rendering guidance and counsel, conducting himself or herself in a way that would add prestige, dignity and honor to the office and the organization. 

    Must be able to work with individuals and to motivate individuals to get things done. 

    Supports and defends the policies, procedures, rules and orders promulgated by the Division's Board of Directors and the HIAMFT Board of Directors.

    Promotes interest and active participation in the association by the membership.

    Takes steps necessary to implement planned goals and objectives with the approval of the Board of Directors.

    Represents the division on the Division Council of Presidents, communicates division interests and concerns with the HIAMFT Board of Directors.

    In the role of organizational liaison for the Division, the President: 

    Position Description for President-Elect

    The HIAMFT Division Bylaws (Article IV, Section 3) state the following regarding the President-Elect:

     "The President-Elect shall serve a term of two (2) years, succeeding to the office of President upon completion of that term. The President-Elect shall serve as the Presiding Officer of the Division and Board during the absence of the President."

    The President-Elect shall perform the following duties and functions: 

    In the role of leader of the Division, the President-Elect: 

    Serves as presiding officer of the organization during absences of the Division President and remains prepared to assume the office of President, if and when vacated. may serve as the organizational spokesperson during the absence or unavailability of the President. 

    Position Description for Past President 

    The HIAMFT Division Bylaws (Article IV, Section 6) state the following regarding the Past President:

     "The Past President shall serve a term of one (1) year immediately following completion of a term of office as President."

    The Past President shall perform the following duties and functions: 

    In the role of advisor for the Division, the Past President:

    Serves as an advisor to the President to provide for a smooth and effective leadership transition. serves on the Board to provide expertise on issues affecting the organization.

    Reviews and evaluates plans and objectives initiated during his/her term as President and reports findings and recommendations to the Organizational Development Subcommittee of the Board of Directors. remains available to consult with future Boards of Directors of the Division, if called upon.

    Position Description for Secretary 

    The HIAMFT Division Bylaws (Article IV, Section 4) state the following regarding the Secretary: 

    "The Secretary shall serve a term of three (3) years. The Secretary shall keep the records of all business meetings of the Division and meetings of the Board, shall direct the distribution of minutes and reports as authorized by these bylaws and by the Board, and shall be responsible for all official correspondence of the Division."

    The Secretary shall perform the following duties and functions: 

    Maintains all important documents of the organization, past and present, such as the Articles of Incorporation, bylaws, charters, contracts and agreements to which the organization is a party, records of court proceedings and legal actions to which the organization is a party, etc. 

    Files all official organizational reports as required by law and with the Divisions' bylaws with the exception of financial reports.

    Assists the President in the preparation of the organization's annual report.

    Ensures a smooth and complete transition of the organization's records to the duly elected Secretary upon completion of term of office.

    Serves as parliamentarian for the Division.

    Records minutes of all Board and membership meetings and distributes the minutes to the appropriate individuals.

    Prepares all official correspondence of the organization as authorized by the Board and/or the President and maintains appropriate records of all official correspondence, both to and from the Division.

    The Secretary also receives and maintains records of committee proceedings and correspondence, organizational publications and any other documents related to the official business of the Division.

    Maintains an accurate and current listing of all members of the organization and of all AAMFT Approved Supervisors and supervisors-in-training within the Division. 

    Coordinates all official communications with members, especially regarding non-election ballots (dues votes, bylaws changes, etc.)

    Position Description for Treasurer

    The HIAMFT Division Bylaws (Article IV, Section 5) state the following regarding the Treasurer: 

    "The Treasurer shall serve a term of three (3) years. The Treasurer shall be the Chairperson of the Finance Committee, shall oversee the management of funds for duly authorized purposes of the Division, shall prepare the annual budget, and shall present periodic financial reports to the Board and an annual report to the membership."

    The Treasurer shall perform the following duties and functions:

    Manages organizational funds in accordance with policies and procedures established by the Board and with all applicable legal requirements. 

    Offers plans for appropriate uses of organizational funds, such as investments and reserves, and raises concerns regarding possible uses of organizational funds which may be inappropriate, include significant risk or otherwise may cause harm to the Division.

    Files all reports related to the organization's finances as required by law, the central organization and the Division's bylaws. 

    Submits end of year financial statement to central office in order to receive quarterly dues disbursements.

    Presents periodic financial reports to the Board and reports on any and all important matters which could affect the organization's finances.

    Presents an annual financial report and budget to the organization's members for their review and approval during the annual meeting of the Division.

    Makes preparations for an external audit of the Division's finances at the end of each fiscal year and presents the findings of the audit to the Board and to the Finance Committee.

    Ensures a smooth and complete transition of the organization's finances and financial records to the duly elected Treasurer upon completion of term of office. 

    With the Budget Subcommittee of the Finance Committee, directs the preparation of the annual budget with committee chairs and other individuals within the organization with budgetary responsibilities.

    On behalf of the Finance Committee, recommends appropriate policies, procedures and proposals related to the management of organizational funds to the Board.

    Maintains all records related to the finances of the organization, past and present.

    Works with the external auditor to ensure a proper review of the organization's finances and cooperates with the Auditing Subcommittee of the Finance Committee during its review of the organization's finances. 

    Exercises reasonable judgment and care in managing the organization's finances.

    Reports to the Board of Directors any inconsistencies and/or concerns related to expenses submitted for payment and recommends appropriate action by the Board.


  • 29 Oct 2020 9:42 AM | Deleted user

    MFT License Renewal

    Melissa Wilson, MA, LMFT

    So you want to be sure and know when and how do I renew my license. This is an important step in our profession as it allows us to continue to collect payment from insurance companies. Here is the down low on license renewal.

    All licenses will get a reminder from the DCCA that it is time to renew your license. But I would not just rely on mail alone as things get lost, delayed, etc. First and foremost, make sure your address is up to date with the DCCA. To change your address go to ​​, log in and select change address. Also check on your license when your expiration date is. Expect a renewal approximately one month prior to renewal from the DCCA.

    Secondly is CEU’s. In 2017 Hawaii began implementation of CEU (continuing education units) for all licensed Marriage and Family Therapists. This was implemented by our organization at the time to advance our profession. This is a requirement. Below is the actual up to date information regarding CEU’s. DCCA does not currently need proof of CEU’s but if you get audited during renewal time they will ask for proof of CEU’s.

    “Beginning with the renewal for the licensing triennium 1/1/2017 - 12/31/2019, and prior to every triennial renewal thereafter, each licensee shall complete 45 credit hours of CE within the 3-year period preceding the renewal date; provided that a minimum of 6 credit hours are in ethics. Thus, to renew for the licensing triennium starting on 1/1/2017, the licensee shall complete 45 credit hours of CE between January 1, 2017 and December 31, 2019. A first-time licensee is exempt from the CE requirement for the first license renewal. For instance, if you were initially issued a license between January 1, 2017 and December 31, 2019, you are exempt from the CE requirement for this renewal period only.”

    To summarize, we need 45 units in 3 years. First time licensees are exempt from CEU’s for the first renewal. Keep copies of all your credits, dates, places, title of workshops and who provided the workshop just in case. If you have any questions please call DCCA, marriage and family therapy division at (808) 586- 2692.

    About the author

    Ms. Wilson resides on the island of Kaua’i where she owns a private practice providing services as a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT). Ms. Wilson is the HIAMFT Kaua’i Chapter Representative and Chair of the HIAMFT Continuing Education Committee.

    For more information please visit the HIAMFT website.
    And be sure to find on social media!                                                                         

    FB: @MFTHawaii
    IG:  @HawaiiMFT

  • 9 Nov 2019 10:36 PM | Deleted user

    It’s all here: Requirements & Instructions – Marriage and Family Therapist License

    All Licensed Marriage and Family Therapists in Hawaiʻi have:

    • A graduate degree in Counseling Psychology / MFT track, or a closely related field
    • Practicum and post-master’s direct therapy experience and supervision hours
    • Taken and passed the MFT National Examination

    How do I earn my degree?
    We are fortunate to have Chaminade University that offers the only classroom-based MFT-track program that will qualify your for licensure as an MFT in Hawai'i. There are a few online or hybrid programs available, however, if you choose to attend one of these programs BE SURE it is accredited (e.g., COAMFTE, WASC,  or similar) and includes all of the requisite classes for a Hawaiʻi MFT license.

    Who supervises my intern hours?
    You will need minimums of 300 hours of verified practicum experience and 1000 hours of post-master’s direct supervised experience with 200 hours of clinical supervision from a qualified supervisor. Be certain your supervisor(s) meet the qualifications outlined in the application information, which includes a minimum of two years of licensure in good standing.

    I have my degree and hours, so how do I apply for the Hawaiʻi MFT license?
    In order to apply for a license to practice marriage and family therapy in Hawaiʻi, you must submit documentation verifying your accredited degree, with proof of minimum levels of graduate-level studies in specific courses related to marriage and family therapy, along with practicum and intern hours verifications. All these forms are in the Requirements and Instructions.

    Then there’s a national exam?
    After your application is approved, you will be mailed instructions regarding registering to take the National Marriage and Family Therapy (NMFT) exam. You are encouraged by the PVL to be mindful of exam dates and deadlines; for more information on the exam visit

    What if I already have my MFT license in another state?
    If you are Licensed MFT in another state and are a Clinical member of the AAMFT, you will not need to submit the above documentation when you provide an original letter from AAMFT verifying your Clinical member status. Note that you must remain a Clinical member of AAMFT until you receive your Hawaiʻi license. You also must have taken and passed the national exam instructions on either taking the exam or having your passing score recognized are on the application form. Of course, you also are encouraged to join and participate in Hawaii’s own MFT organization: HIAMFT. See details for joining on this website!

    That’s it?
    All licenses must be renewed every three years, and licensees must have completed 45 hours of continuing education, including 6 hours of Law and Ethics to renew.

    What law governs the MFT license in Hawaiʻi .

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